Growing the seeds of stuff

So much of what is written about growing food is based on commercial information. The methods of broadscale monocultures are scaled down to home gardens, based on the experience and research of commercial food production. But this may not be the best way to go about growing things in a local home garden. Fruit trees … Continue reading Growing the seeds of stuff

It’s not easy being green

I was hanging out my washing the other day, and when I finished, I found a little visitor had jumped into the empty washing basket. I'd have probably missed him otherwise, but as he was essentially trapped, I whipped out my phone and took a picture of the little critter. You can see his picture … Continue reading It’s not easy being green

When the river runs dry

I have mentioned before that even if every bit of an average urban garden was planted with food, it would still not produce enough food to sustain a family. Things like staples, the carbohydrates we eat in larger quantities as the bulk of most peoples' diet, are required in volumes unreasonable to produce on a … Continue reading When the river runs dry

Weeds don’t need no propagation

When most people think of weeding the garden, they probably think about kneeling down and digging or pulling out the  grass and the various seedlings that have popped up in unwanted places between the plants they want to keep. The most useful working definition of a weed is a plant out of place. And it … Continue reading Weeds don’t need no propagation